Share cool stuff, feed your friends with information, and earn with your own. You can earn money without spending even a single cent to create an account. All you have to do is to sign up and share. This is fast, easy and fun way to get extra pocket money. Spend at least 3 minutes a day sharing something fun with your friends in social media that you have. It's as easy as it can get earn some extra money.
Here's how:
1. Click the link to sign up.
2. Open your mail to click the confirmation link.
3. Start sharing the links that you will see in your account.
Sample links that you can share:
Sign Up |
2. Open your mail to click the confirmation link.
3. Start sharing the links that you will see in your account.
Sample links that you can share:
Sharer's Three Golden Rules
- Choose and share Specials that you and your friends are interested in
- Be creative and choose/write an interesting message to go with the Special that you’re sharing.
- Share on multiple platforms, be it on email, Twitter, blogs and more.
Tips on how to earn faster
Look for 8 share groups in facebook or other platforms where you can ask for others help to click your links. Other way of earning is to invite your friends to join 8share community but take note of this, before you get your referral bonus, your recruit should do the three completion guide.
referral completion guide |